Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So I've been having some futuristic ideas lately and I need to write them down so I can remember all my considerations and options.
First being the idea of going abroad... I need to do it, its just a matter of when and how and still graduate on time?? So as of now I would have to take as many courses as possible over the next few winter and summer breaks unless I want to take on the 5 class load every semester which I've learned does not work for this baby, but I can still graduate on time. If this somehow fails and I do have to go an extra semester what if I use that semester as an opportunity to go abroad? I'd only have to finish up 2 or 3 courses which is the amount that counts when you study abroad. My main idea is the SEA Semester program. Great opportunity!
Another opportunity I was literally just informed of by my wonderful and intelligent boyfriend, is that if you qualify for federal grants (financial aid) which I do there is an allotted amount of money about $5,000 dollars to go abroad and learn one of the specified languages! That would get me ahead in the applications for Flight Attendant as well.
Lots to think about...many similar posts will be coming.

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