Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So I've been having some futuristic ideas lately and I need to write them down so I can remember all my considerations and options.
First being the idea of going abroad... I need to do it, its just a matter of when and how and still graduate on time?? So as of now I would have to take as many courses as possible over the next few winter and summer breaks unless I want to take on the 5 class load every semester which I've learned does not work for this baby, but I can still graduate on time. If this somehow fails and I do have to go an extra semester what if I use that semester as an opportunity to go abroad? I'd only have to finish up 2 or 3 courses which is the amount that counts when you study abroad. My main idea is the SEA Semester program. Great opportunity!
Another opportunity I was literally just informed of by my wonderful and intelligent boyfriend, is that if you qualify for federal grants (financial aid) which I do there is an allotted amount of money about $5,000 dollars to go abroad and learn one of the specified languages! That would get me ahead in the applications for Flight Attendant as well.
Lots to think about...many similar posts will be coming.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Adventures...Nobska Beach!

OKay so Im bored as shit and I just woke up, I hate those days when you have nothing to do, I purposefully avoid them at all costs. I guess it would be better if I had friends down here to waste my time with, unfortunately this is not the case. But since I am attempting to be introspective here, the good thing about alone time is that you learn to be self entertained and that you are the only one that can make yourself happy (no one else carries this job!) yesterday I picked up an area map of Falmouth and realized this is how I need to spend my free time- exploring as much of this place as possible! I hate that it takes me so long to remember to not take for granted where I am and what opportunities I have been given. I going to put the map on my wall and keep track of what i've done. I mean I am technically a tourist ha.
As soon as I got on my bike and started down the road I remembered how addicting bike rides are, its not going to be hard to go for one each day :) Just now I went about 3miles down the road to find Nobska beach/Light house. Its right around here too! On the 25th I'm going there for the Hands Across the Sand gathering, I only have a vague understanding of this so after it happens i'll post some pictures and devote an entire post to describing the experience. But my main point is that you are a BECPLORER rebecca so take advantage that you are finally spending a summer in the place that has been on your list since you were crazy little rebecca. If anything its discovering and learning about new things that makes you the happiest. A confirmation of this was when you were riding back here and you felt that same feeling you felt all last summer, "there is no reason not to be happy"
But back to Nobska, it was so amazing, a perfect view of the vineyard- which looked extra close from there and it is basically the other side of the Woods Hole Harbor so lots of interesting boat traffic to zone out to. One of the first things that I noticed, was that it is a perfect place for swimming and especially night swimming (not a lot of places are good for night swimming!) it was also the type of peaceful where I could hear myself. My thoughts instantly cleared themselves, a little while later I was thinking about real things in that way I only do when Im by the water. Its going to be my new thinking place. I feel like I need to also post pictures. I'm one of those Visual people and "my" pictures always do a better job of explaining my thoughts than my words do.
Very Excited! my mom called me earlier to meet up for dinner, so I'm going to go get ready to meet her, I miss them a lot. I can't wait till they can come down to visit so we can bike to Nobska :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer 2011

A List of Everything I want to have done by the end of the summer...

*go to a bonfire on the beach
*have made some friends
*camping/ at a beach campground
*Learned new things
*Star gaze
*Run the Falmouth Road race
*Learn how to cook multiple meals
*Paint something
*start book...ideas
* think of ways to stay healthy & happy throughout the rest of the year
*read 8 books (1.5/8 accomplished)
*find lots of hidden beaches
*night swims

First Post

Writing is the only way life seems to be handled, the only way you can slow it- sort of. I decided the other day that I need to come up with a better way for me to write down my thoughts, where it can become something that I do most every day without it being viewed as a chore. Since I am in materialistically in love with my mac and I am on it every day (and constantly looking for more productive things to do on it besides facebook) a more or less private blog is the perfect solution. Private because no one wants to read the shit i have to say nor do i have shit i wouldn't mind sharing with the public, this is purely personal so I can look back in the archives and read about what my life was like at certain times. What I've gathered from a journal i kept in high school is that I could learn from myself, even if it was the most unimportant occurrence if i wrote it down i could go back and see how i was feeling how I dealt with it and what i could have done differently.